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Abundant Harvest
Helping the community of Morton Grove is paramount for us. One of our internal initiatives is Abundant Harvest. We became aware that there are many people in our Morton Grove community who have trouble getting to the store to buy fresh food. This program provides fresh fruits and vegetables to homebound seniors, twice a month, delivered to their door! Read on below to learn more about how you can volunteer to help, or how to register yourself or a loved one.
Grocery Delivery for Seniors

filled baskets ready for delivery

filled baskets ready for delivery

produce ready to be divided into the baskets

filled baskets ready for delivery
The Details
Open to Seniors (65+) who reside within the Village of Morton Grove
Assists Seniors who have difficulty in getting to the grocery store in supplementing their pantry with fresh, healthy produce
Fresh fruits and vegetables are delivered 2x a month
Produce will vary each week, depending on season
Produce will be delivered directly to each senior’s residence
Deliveries will take place on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month
There is no charge to participate in the program. Free will donations to the church are accepted, and will help us assist other seniors.
Get Involved
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